Belle Meade Country Club is a semi-private club where members enjoy numerous amenities including a dining room, lounge, ballroom, snack bar, pool, and practice facilities. Members also enjoy reciprocal privileges at the finest dinner club in Augusta, the Pinnacle Club, as well as a 15% discount on all apparel in the Pro Shop.
New members must be sponsored by two existing members, along with approval by the Board of Directors. Please contact for more information on becoming a member.
Classification of Club Memberships
Resident Full Members are entitled to the use of all the golf, swimming and dining/social facilities of the Club. Full Members do not pay green fees.
Resident Social Members are entitled to the use of all the swimming and dining/social facilities of the Club.
Widow members are entitled to the use of all the golf, swimming, and dining/social facilities of the Club. Widow Members do not pay green fees.
The Junior Golf Membership entitles the designated user and his or her immediate family to use the Club Facilities in the same manner as a Resident Full Member and is entitled to use all of the golf, swimming, and dining/social facilities of the Club. An upgrade of the membership is required upon the 30th birthday of the primary member. Both primary and spouse must be under the age of 30 when applying for membership.
Intermediate Out-of-town applies to anyone who primarily resides between 25 – 100 mile radius from the Club. A food and beverage minimum is not required for this type of membership.
Out-of-town applies to anyone who primarily resides outside of a 100 mile radius from the Club. A food and beverage minimum is not required for this type of membership.

“Belle Meade is a hidden gem! They have some of the friendliest staff of any course within 100 miles of Augusta. The greens are firm and true… this is one of the best values in the Augusta area!”
— Mark Joseph Bates